Coaching Requirements plus Req'ts for Managers and Board Members


All adult coaches, officials, board members, managers, locker room monitors, employees, volunteers, and anyone else who will have regular contact with, or authority over, athletes under the age of 18 are required to register, submit to a background screen & have current SafeSport Training BEFORE any such contact with those athletes. These requirements should be completed by August each season or BEFORE assuming duties.

In addition any players with birthyears 2006 or 2007, must complete SafeSport Training after registering as a Player and 1 week before the 1st ice session.

Adult Off-Ice Volunteers (Board members who are NOT coaches, Locker Room Monitors and Managers) should register with USA Hockey as Manager/Volunteer (It's FREE!). Off Ice Volunteers may not be on the ice during practices or on the Bench during Games/Jamborees. Please send your USA Hockey Confirmation # to the Registrar at

WHAT STEPS need to be followed?

 STEP 1: Register with USA Hockey as a Manager/Volunteer (off ice only) or Coach (for Coaches & On Ice Helper to be on the ice)

STEP 2: Send the Registrar ( your USA Hockey Confirmation # via email

STEP 3: Do the Screening (this can take 5-7 business days especially for women who had maiden names and also it depends on how many addresses you have had in the time period they ask for). It shouldn't take you very long to do your submittal. This only needs to be done every other season so if you did this for the 2023-24 season, you dont have to do it until Summer 2025. See #2 below for instructions & link to USA Hockey Background Screening page. This USA Hockey page has the link and more instructions.

STEP 4: Take the SafeSport Training. The first time you take the training its the full course, the next three years are a refresher then the full course again. USA Hockey/SafeSport will let you know which option applies to you when you start the course. See #3 below for further instructions and link to USA Hockey SafeSport page. This USA Hockey page has the link and more instructions.

STEP 5: (COACHES ONLY) Take the Module for the level you will be coaching at (MT08 for Beginners/IP/8U coaches, SQ10PW12 for 10U & 12U coaches, and BA14MD18 for 14u & 18U coaches). The pre-course CFD may also be required. Modules do not expire so once taken, they do not need to be repeated.

STEP 6: (COACHES ONLY) Register for a CEP class. Start with Level 1. Only one Level may be taken per season. See Notes below about exceptions. Once registered for the CEP class, please email the receipt to the Registrar ( Any class in the USA may be taken but pay attention to start and end times to make sure they are realistic for your schedule especially those in Mountain or Pacific time.

Coaching & On-Ice/Off-Ice Volunteer Requirements Outline for USA Hockey

NOTE: On Ice Volunteers are parents who wish to help on ice during the Beginner/LTS or Initiation/IP Programs. We encourage our On Ice Volunteers at LTS and IP to become full coaches when their child moves to 6U & 8U and older teams as teams do not need on-ice volunteer help but do need coaches for BOTH practices and games/jamborees. On Ice Volunteers are practice only helpers and may NOT be on the bench for Games or help on ice with the 6U/8U Jamborees. Every practice must have at least one fully certified Coach.

All details and links are available at:

  1. Register for a Current USAH ID by visiting (email this ID to Livingston Blues Registrar - so that you can be claimed as a coach for the Livingston Blues, and we can insure that credentials are appropriately reflected). A renewal of this registration is required annually, with registration for the upcoming season typically opening in May. Cost for Coach & On Ice Volunteers is set by USA Hockey every season. Coaches and On-Ice Volunteers MUST register as Coaches. Managers, Board members who are not Coaches, Locker Room Monitors and other off ice volunteers should register as Manager/Volunteer (FREE).
  2. Complete the required USA Hockey Background Screening (all background screens are run through USA Hockey) & NCSI. Note background screens take 5-7 business days to complete so do this early! Background screen cost is $30 for domestic screenings and is good for two seasons. For international screens (members who have lived outside of the U.S. for six consecutive months in any one country during the past 7 years) the fee in $150. If that country is solely Canada, the fee is $75. Required for all Coaches, On Ice Volunteers, Managers, Locker Room Monitors and Board members. ALSO REQUIRED FOR player who are birthyear 2006 and 2007 for 2024-25 season.
  3. Complete the USA Hockey SafeSport Training  SafeSport training is FREE!  Once you have completed the Core SafeSport Course, there will be a Refresher Course available for individuals who have previously completed the core SafeSport course and need to recertify. Required for all Coaches, On Ice Volunteers, Managers, Locker Room Monitors and Board members.
  4. COACHES: Complete the online age-specific module(s) for the age level of play you are coaching.  Cost is $10 per module and only needs to be completed once per age level. Must be completed PRIOR to participating in any team activities and cannot be added to a roster until completed. NOTE: Coaches will need to complete the Foundations of Player Development module before purchasing their age-specific module. Once a coach completes the Foundations of Player Development module there will be a 15-minute window before they can purchase and complete their age-specific module. There are three age specific modules: 8U for coaches at Beginners, 6U and IP, and 8U; SQT10PW12 for coaches of 10U & 12U teams; BAN14Mid18 for coaches of 14U and 18U teams.
  5. COACHES: Find, register and attend the required certification clinic. (Cost is $50. You can only attend one clinic per season and all coaches start at Level 1. The coaching clinic season for Levels 1-4 officially runs from August 1 to December 31 (occasionally there are early summer classes and in practice most CEP classes are offered from late August to November).  To find a virtual clinic and register -  USA Hockey is beginning to offer some in person CEP classes for those who prefer in person training.


When do I have to do All of these requirements?

Coaches must complete Registration, SafeSport and Screening by their team's 1st practice or they may NOT be on the ice. Managers & Locker Room Monitors should complete requirements before the 1st practice. Board members should complete requirements in August.

In order to be rostered (and be on the bench for games), coaches must complete their age level module and:

  • Coaches who are not yet Level 1 certified MUST send the registration for their CEP class to the Registrar at
  • Coaches who are coaching Learn to Skate/Beg, Intermediate/IP/6U or 8U should take Level 1 and can continue to coach with an expired Level 1 until their child moves to 10U.
  • Team Coaches at 10U/12U/14U/18U with a CEP that expires by 12/31 of the current year have until 12/31 to complete the next CEP Level class.
  • Team Coaches at 10U/12U/14U/18U with an expired CEP must register for their CEP class and send the registration email to the Registrar at This includes coaches who have been coaching 8U for multiple years with an expired CEP and are now moving to 10U.
  • Coaches with a Level 4 may need to complete continuing education requirements. Please contact your registrar or log into the USA Hockey Coaching Certification website to determine when these need to be completed. Some coaches may be grandfathered.


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